Home-Grown Vegetables and Fruits

Home-Grown Vegetables and Fruits

We all know that homegrown vegetables and fruit are tastier,
healthier and are much cheaper than store-bought ones.

Here at Gulf Coast Gardening we answer questions about what varieties do well here? When’s the best time to plant them? Where and how to plant them and when do we fertilize
them? How much sun and water do they need? What seeds can you plant outdoors?
What plants need to be started indoors. How long to harvest?

Agricultural universities like Texas A&M, LSU, Florida A&M, Mississippi State, and Alabama
A&M, as well as other colleges and universities along the Gulf Coast have
developed varieties of vegetables and fruit that at one time we could not grow
here. Now, we are gathering that information and making it available to you, as
well as new scientific breakthroughs in gardening.

Chelsea Green Publishing - the leading publisher of sustainable living books since 1985.